Chinese Students walked away with John's Gospel

Great conversations!
Was trying to get some admin done in the chaplaincy office at the university when a flood of Chinese students came in to use the microwave and make cups of coffee.

Some just made a beeline for the appliances. Others made eye contact & greeted me. A handful of the friendly students then sat down on the couches around the small room and ate their lunch.

I asked what they were studying and why China needed so many business students. One thing led to another and, what do ya know, we're talking about Jesus! It happens.

Two of the more keen students lingered longer than the others and, after sharing the best news about Jesus, I gave them a great little notebook Gospel of John especially for Uni students with no faith background. 

Pray for Leroy and Katrina, that we, or someone, will have further conversations with them, and that they'll be convinced that God loves them and has love them before they ever heard about Him.