Opportunities 2016:
• I am networking with and for 3 new church plants across the North Island in 2016-2017! Postage for donated communion trays, books and equipment for the new church plants will be around US$500.

•A new Ministry Centre & House is needed so we can continue to provide refuge for women-at-risk, hospitality for travelers and spiritual seekers, and a ministry office. I’ve been renting so far, but would love to purchase a place so we do not have to relocate often. US$250,000 will provide a deposit and breathing space for us to buy and furnish a house with several bedrooms and adequate bathrooms. Note: Average house prices in Auckland are more than US$600,000.

•Auckland’s urban diversity and the ever changing university community provides access to people groups and countries we’d not easily reach, i.e. Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, China, Malaysia and others. Pray for wisdom and courage.

2016 student orientation at Massey University distribution of Gospels of John. We need US$4500 for this outreach.

•An Outreach Food Truck will give us many opportunities for conversations. Specific contexts where we already yearn to use a food truck are at the universities, after big events in the city, for benevolence and at the surf beaches where we have nearby church events in the evenings. US$12,000 will purchase an adequate vehicle and allow for electrical fittings and equipment.

Covenant with you, my ministry partners:
There will be a paper trail for every dollar we spend. We will be transparent as to finances and activities and I remain accountable to the directors of The Ark Christian Ministries in the US and the elders of Shore Community Christian Church in Auckland. Ask any question and expect an answer.

Jill Shaw
•  Shore Community Church  •  Refugees & Refuge House  •  Disciplemaking  •
•  Cross-Cultural Communications  •  Mentoring Missionaries & Leaders  • 
•  Massey University Chaplaincy  • Networking for Church Planting
... all in a postChristian country where most people have no idea of the gardens of Eden or Gethsemane, or of the existence of Genesis or James.

To donate and financially partner with Jill's ministry in New Zealand, please donate online  or send checks payable to The Ark Christian Ministries-SP to: P.O. Box 43581, Louisville, KY  40253 USA        I'll be grateful for your solidarity, confidence and prayers.