This is what I sent;
Most people in NZ have never
heard the Bible stories you may know, have
never been to church and don't own a Bible.
My hats:
Chaplain- someone who offers spiritual support outside of a church. So, at a hospital, at an accident, in a disaster, in prison, the military or university. Answer questions, encourage, pray.... help them find a local church. Make sure they are free to believe and live their faith.
Church Planter- see where we need new churches, get a team together to provide the different gifts/talents needed and gather a core group of believers. Start meeting, invite friends, hold Bible studies, baptise people, create community, serve the community. grow the people and the church. Big job; takes years!
Discipler- Jesus said to go make disciples Matt 28. Disciples disciple others, multiplying the number of people who understand what it means for Jesus to be Lord. This is different from being religious or attend church. A disciple lives as Jesus did, but in their own context.
Resettle refugees- working with a family from Afghanistan right now. 10 yr old girl and boys 8 & 6. Dad's a mechanic. All nice people. Help the kids get into a new school, dad & mom get English lessons so they can get a job, get furniture for the house - they still need sofa & chair & Washing Machine.
Women's refuge- provide a safe place for women to come if they've gotten dragged in to drugs or alcohol - give them an option so they can make a good choice. if they are homeless - give them a warm dry place where they can be safe and clean so they can get an education or job if they are ill - give them a quiet place to rest and recover, or just be safe and not worry about being unwell.
Look at the PHOTOS page in this blog for photos illustrating these 'hats'.