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Just a glimpse into some conversations

Had a great conversation with a Punjabi Sikh female shuttle driver. She gave me a hug with tears in her eyes before we parted, thanking me for encouraging her. We'll see if she gets in touch again.

Spoke at length with a Jewish woman whose husband is serving in Afghanistan. She asked me how to pray. We're continuing the conversation by email.

Shared a table in a crowded restaurant with a Japanese woman and ended up talking about discipling her daughter and living biblically in the tension of a post-Christian social order.

Met and prayed with a Chinese woman who leads a Christian television ministry. She was encouraged to meet another woman in ministry outside the church. We've since emailed each other as well. 

Conversations are a theme of my life and ministry. I never know where the conversations may go, but I know Jesus is a participant in each one. To have initial contact, and then receive a follow-up email is amazing! 

Thank you for praying for me as I live and love and serve and am open to any conversation with anyone. Only God can prepare and equip me for this. It's too unpredictable for me to think I'm adequate without Him. 

Grateful, and often amazed...

Fragmented bits don't always make a whole: how we view God
Teaching tonight in FaithLIFT Week 3.

Understanding the character & nature of God matters because...

Who He is determines:
- How we relate
- What we expect
 -How we interpret His Word.

Who we say/think/feel/know God is will determine much in how we live, read and understand Scripture, and in how we grow in our faith.

In tragedy we hear people say, “Where are you, God?”
The more reasonable and helpful question might be “Who are you, God?”

God’s character, what He’s like and what we can expect from Him will make a huge difference in how we pray, how we respond to tragedy, how we worship, and how we embrace the future, including eternity.

Our expectations must sync with His character and nature,  or we have a recipe for disappointment and a real crisis of belief.

It's one thing to tell the Gospel to someone who has never heard it before.

It's another thing to sift through the fragments of a person's faith and understand where it all came unstuck.... so as to help them reassemble the bits worth keeping.